The joy of somatic movement

Movingness somatic teacher training 2025-26 

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Welcome to one of the greatest adventures on this planet – the journey back to your body! Starting on September 7, 2025, the Movingness somatic teacher training is an amazing inner journey and a life-changing experience.

What is somatic movement?

Somatic movement connects movement with sensory awareness. When we slow down and observe, we can feel how our movements affects the body. In this state, we can release tension and reduce pain. Precious skills for the aging body! Furthermore, we can refine and renew our movement patterns – valuable skills for yogis, dancers, athletes, and all types of movers. Gradually, we can learn how to use movement to navigate pain and create pleasure!


What is Movingness?

Movingness is renewing the somatic field. It is one of the most practical movement methods available! Movingness takes you into a state of deep relaxation and flow, where your body and mind truly feel as one. Combining slow movements with meditative states, it opens the brain for new experiences. This makes it possible to work with yourself on physical, emotional or mental levels – whatever you need. Movingness works for all ages and body types. 

What my students are saying

“It literally changed the way I move and live in my body,” says Anne Tarvainen.

“I love this training! It literally changed the way I move and live in my body.”

Anne Tarvainen, Researcher, Singer, and Developer of the Voicefulness® method; Orimattila, Finland

”I feel as if I am coming home,” says Nina Rashid.

“I feel as if I am coming home, home to my body, mind and soul, when I slowly move through the Earth series.”

Nina Rashid, Senior yoga and meditation teacher, London, UK

“Peter’s work is absolutely transformational,” says Kent Bond.

“Peter’s work is absolutely transformational. In my opinion, he is one of the most significant teachers in contemporary movement science.”

Kent Bond, Willow Glen Yoga, Bend, Oregon, US

Short overview of the training

Nine amazing months divided into three modules. 

Movingness 350 hour Somatic Teacher Training is a 9-month training divided into three 12-week levels or modules. The first module starts on September 7, 2025, the second on January 11, 2026, and the third on September 6, 2026. 


Weekly live classes on Zoom

Every week, we’ll meet live on Zoom for two hours. During the first hour, we’ll enjoy Movingness together. After that, we’ll go through the movements and theory. 

Times and time zones

The live classes are on Tuesdays at 7 PM Helsinki time and Thursdays at 10 AM Helsinki time. Helsinki time is EEST/UTC +3. Please, check with the Time Zone Converter to see how it plays out in your time zone!


The six movement series

A module includes two movement series. Learning a series takes four weeks. After that, we’ll spend two weeks exploring variations and advanced options.  

The Earth Series – move in a state of flow
Earth Series (level 1)

The Earth Series awakens your interoception and proprioception. It takes you into states of deep flow and meditation.

The Gecko Series – learn to move from the spine
Gecko Series (level 1)

The Gecko Series teaches you how to move from the spine and use more effort (yang), without losing your relaxation (yin).

The Dolphin Series – explore the joy of movement
Dolphin Series (level 2)

The Dolphin Series flows freely between different positions and planes. It’s playful and explores the joy of movement.

The Tiger Series – physical and emotional power
Tiger Series (level 2)

The Tiger Series is about physical and emotional power. It also shows you how to transform them into an effortless dance. 

The Anatomy Series – freedom on two feet
Anatomy Series (level 3)

The Anatomy Series is a deep exploration of your body’s simple and complex movement patterns from fingers to toes. 

The Wild Goose Series – body, mind and energy in movement
Wild Goose Series (level 3)

The Wild Goose Series is focused on standing movements. It’s about the integration of movement, expression, and freedom.

Meet your teacher

“Whatever your age, you can reconnect with your body” says Peter Appel, founder of Movingness.

Peter Appel is an internationally acclaimed somatic movement teacher. He has been practicing and teaching yoga, somatic movement, and dance for over 25 years.

Peter has been teaching at The University of Rochester, US; The Stockholm Yoga & Dance Festival, Sweden; the Embodiment Conference in 2018 and 2020, Oslo Tantra Festival in 2022, Agape Zoe Festival in Berlin in 2023 and 2024, and the online Zen Leadership Conference in 2023 and 2024.

What my students are saying

”It offered a way to reconnect with the joy of moving my body,” says Leea Ojuva.

“For me, Movingness has offered a way to reconnect with the joy of moving my body. I have found myself in awe with the simplicity and insights it has offered me.”

Leea Ojuva, psychomotor physiotherapist, Turku, Finland

“The course has truly landed deep within my tissues and bones,”says Richard George.

“I brought so much home with me. The course has truly landed deep within my tissues and bones.”

Richard George, Yoga Teacher, Warwickshire, UK

“The live classes set me up for the day,” says Janet McGregor.

“The live classes set me up for the day, they were so uplifting and having the recordings as a follow up was a very helpful reminder.”

Janet McGregor, Yoga Teacher/ Yoga Therapist, Co Down, N. Ireland

The detailed program

Movingness is a holistic movement practice – for you to enjoy!

The seventh Movingness somatic teacher training is a step-by-step journey. In your own peace, you can immerse yourself in the training. All classes are recorded. During – and after the training – you’ll have access to the material in the online portal. This makes it possible to later return to the material for repetition and further explorations.


What other teachers are saying

“It’s a journey that will stay with you,” says Lisan Bremmers.

“Fascinating! And, much needed in the automatic and mechanical rendition of Yoga that has become widespread.”

Donna Farhi, New Zealand, teacher of yoga teachers; developer of new models of teaching and practicing yoga; author of five groundbreaking yoga books

“I love the way I can tap into a state of flow,” says Amanda Simpson.

“Movingness is making a meaningful difference in our ability to notice ourselves, our habits, and our imbalances. To open flow through our joints, muscles, organs and fluids is to find openness, health and freedom – how exciting!”

Missy Pfohl Smith, USA, Director, Program of Dance and Movement at the University of Rochester; founder of BIODANCE

“It’s a bit like going on dates with my body!” says Yaki Wo.

“As an Australian, I’ve been dancing the relationship of the body-land all my life; Peter’s authentic and sensitive work in Movingness sings a Sister Song of deep wholeness that echoes the reverent listening of the organism in the presence of Earth.”

Narelle Carter-Quinlan, Australia, BAppSc, Yoga Therapist, Dancer, Photographer

Movingness Teacher Training, module 1

During the Earth Series you will learn how to deeply relax. This makes it possible to feel the sensations in your body and let them guide your movements (interoception). Natural breathing is another important subject. During the Gecko Series, you will learn how to move from the spine and add more effort without losing your underlying relaxation (resilience training). You will also learn how to teach a short Yoga Nidra, specially developed for Movingness.

The Earth Series is the foundation of Movingness.
Earth Series

The Earth Series awakens your interoception and proprioception. It can take you into deep states of flow and meditation.

Learn how to move from the spine in the Gecko series.
Gecko Series

Learn how to move from the spine! And how to add more effort (Yang), without losing your relaxation (Yin).


What is interoception and proprioception? The ability to sense and feel your body from the inside and outside.

What is Yoga Nidra? It can takes you into flow and meditation. You can move in this state!

Movingness Teacher Training, module 2

In the Dolphin Series, you will experience the joy of effortlessly moving between different planes. In the Tiger Series, you will explore your inner power, and yield and push as a natural rhythm in your way of moving. You will also study human evolution. What happened when we became the most dangerous animal on the earth? How did the cognitive and agricultural revolutions change our lives? 

Freely flow between different planes in the Dolphin Series.
Dolphin Series

In the Dolphin Series, you can explore the joy of movement. And playfully and freely flow between different positions and planes.

Movingness: The Tiger Series icon
Tiger Series

The Tiger Series is about physical and emotional power, and shows you how to transform them into effortless movement.


Why is it important to study human evolution? It can help us understand how our bodies and minds function.

What is body psychology?  The body has its own “language”. When we learn it, we can communicate with the body. 

Movingness Teacher Training, module 3

In the Anatomy Series, you will explore the body’s power centers and how to activate them. During this period, you will also learn how to work with fascia. In the Wild Goose Series, you will add emotions, energy, and spaciousness to your practice. You will also learn different ways of embodying your new skills and bringing them into your daily life. Here we will also introduce the four characters of the brain as described by Jill Bolte Taylor in her new book Whole brain living.

Integrate your body’s power centers in the Anatomy Series.
Anatomy Series

The Anatomy Series is a unique integration of your body’s power centers and movement patterns from fingers to toes.

Explore the freedom of body, mind and energy in the Wild Goose Series icon
Wild Goose Series

The Wild Goose Series explores the freedom of movement, personal expression, qi energy, and an open mind.


What is fascia? Recent findings about fascia are revolutionizing our understanding of the body.

What is movement anatomy? Explore and study how your body is moving all the way from your fingertips to your toes.

What is embodiment? How to integrate somatics into your daily life.

What my students are saying

“This course will transform the way you feel and move your body,” says Dawn Clarke

“This course is so amazing. It will transform the way you feel and move your body in the classes and in the world.”

Dawn Clarke, Remedial, Neuromuscular and Somatic Trauma Therapist, Kempsey, NSW, Australia

“Thank you so much for the awesome course,” says Audrie McKenzie.

“Thank you so much for the awesome course. It has been a fantastic opportunity for me to come home to my body.”

Audrie McKenzie, Yoga teacher, Christchurch, New Zealand

“For me, Movingness feels refreshing, exhilarating and nurturing,” says Barbara Archer.

“For me, Movingness feels like a cool shower on a hot day, the first dip in the sea, the warm towel to wrap yourself in afterward – refreshing, exhilarating and nurturing.”

Barbara Archer, Somatic movement teacher, Derbyshire, UK

Welcome on an amazing inner journey!

Book your spot now and embark on an amazing inner journey starting on September 7, 2025. Here are your options!

Level 1


Pay for the first part of the training and decide later if you want to continue!

  • 24 live classes and lesson
  • Instructive videos and downloadable audio
  • Body-mind theory and movement anatomy
  • Assignments
Sign up now!

Level 1–3


Book your full journey now! Pay upfront for the whole training and save 110 USD!

  • 72 live classes and lessons
  • Instructive videos and downloadable audios
  • Body-mind theory and movement anatomy
  • Assignments
Sign up now!

Monthly plan


Pay step-by-step! 9 monthly instalments of 147 USD, in total 1323 USD.

  • 72 live classes and lessons
  • Instructive videos and downloadable audios
  • Body-mind theory and movement anatomy
  • Assignments
Sign up now!

What my students are saying

“A true feel-good experience!!“ says Katherine Smits.Katherine Smits

“The movements are a slow, carefree, rhythmic exploration of your body at your own pace. The result is a restoration of tensional balance and deep ease. A true feel-good experience!!

Katherine Smits, Somatic yoga teacher, Kildare, Ireland

“This is the movement I return to, time after time,” says Jepa Pihlainen.

“Oh, the Cradle. And the feeling that comes with it. I even call it cradle-happiness! This is the movement I return to, time after time. It is very soft and soothing and works like a walk in the forest.”

Jepa Pihlainen, Yoga and Pilates teacher, Järvenpää, Finland

“This is now the first thing I do before getting out of bed,” says Aurelie Anjali Gauthier.

“Touching hands at the beginning of every class has been absolutely amazing and life-changing: so simple, yet so profound! This is now my morning routine, the first thing I do before getting out of bed.”

Aurelie Anjali Gauthier, Trauma-Informed Integral Yoga Teacher, France


What my students are saying

“It’s a journey that will stay with you,” says Lisan Bremmers.

“It's a beautiful and very well organized training that speaks to the body, the mind and the heart. It’s a journey that will stay with you.”

Lisan Bremmers, Somatic yoga teacher, Torsåker, Sweden 

“I love the way I can tap into a state of flow,” says Amanda Simpson.

“I’ve enjoyed letting the breath and the mind chatter slow down and experience this lovely harmonious state. I love the way I can tap into a state of flow.”

Amanda Simpson, Founder of Karalee Yoga and Organic Body Movement, Brisbane, Australia

“It’s a bit like going on dates with my body!” says Yaki Wo.

“Every time I practice I feel deeply relaxed and have a warm, fuzzy feeling in my body – it sounds a bit strange but it’s a bit like going on dates with my body!”

Yaki Wo, Forest Therapy Guide, Perth, Australia

Nature images from Finland by Narelle Carter-Quinlan