Movingness Somatic Workouts

Build strength without stress!







Starting in September 2024

Movingness Somatic Workouts is a new way to reverse age-related muscle loss and build strength – without stress! 

This is how it works!

Step 1: Mindfully release and engage your tissues before adding more challenges.
1. Connect with your body

Mindfully release and engage your tissues before adding more challenges.

Step 2: Build strength by working against resistance. Gradually increasing the load.
2. Work against resistance

Build strength by working against resistance. Gradually increasing the load.

Step 3: Learn compound exercises that work with multiple muscle groups in the body.
3. Engage the whole body

Learn compound exercises that work with multiple muscle groups in the body.

Step 4: Stay centered and calm during the practice. Build a strong body AND a strong mind.
4. Work out and work in

Stay centered and calm during the practice. Build a strong body AND a strong mind.

It’s hidden in plain sight

Small changes can be devastating in the long run. One such thing is the gradual loss of muscle mass, also known as sarcopenia. It’s hardly noticeable in our 30s but over time, it has a huge impact. For women, the hormonal changes from menopause contribute to the decline. After 50, your body might already feel weak and powerless. That is – if you don’t do anything.

Peter Appel showing a side stretch from Movingness Somatic Movements.

Take back your body’s power!

Recent scientific studies show that a strong body is crucial for our health. Among other things, a weak body is prone to heart disease, osteoporosis, frail joints, and depression. Fortunately, it’s possible to reverse age-related muscle loss. With somatic workouts, you can gain even more! You can increase your strength, mobility, and elasticity while simultaneously improving your self-knowledge and body confidence. At your own pace, in your own peace.

What my students are saying

“My body is loving the relaxation between the different shapes and movements”, says Kathryn Varley, UK

“My body is loving the relaxation between the different shapes and movements. It says breathe, relax, feel, watch and allow. So delicious.”

Kathryn Varley, UK

“I have been loving your classes,” says Karyn Velleman, South Africa

“I have been loving your classes. I feel stronger and more stable with this kind of movement than I ever did through my years of endurance sports in my 20s and 30s.”

Karyn Velleman, South Africa

“I left feeling refreshed and energetic,” says Kent Bond, US

“What a delight to take class with you this morning. I left feeling refreshed and energetic.”

Kent Bond,
Willow Glen Yoga Online, US

“My body is thanking me for doing and being these aquatic movements,” KarinMai Arlund, Denmark

“My body is thanking me for doing and being these aquatic movements.”

KarinMai Arlund, Copenhagen, Denmark

What is a somatic workout?

Feeling the body and its sensations is key to somatics. A stressful life disconnects us from ourselves. When we’re under pressure, we often neglect the body or push and bend it to our will. In somatics, we chose another path. We slow down to feel the body. This makes it possible to work with the body, not against it. We can peacefully build strength. Strength training can even become pleasant. The pleasure is on your side!

Peter Appel showing a transition from Movingness Somatic Workouts.

What is strength, actually?

Real strength is more than strong muscles. It also includes mobility and fascial elasticity. With age, the body becomes drier and stiffer. Preparing the fascia for movement is crucial. When starting by hydrating and softening the fascia, it becomes elastic and pliable. This in turn increases the body’s mobility. Suddenly we can do things we thought were out of reach! During the workout, we gradually add more load until we tire. This sends an important message to the body: Please, build more strength!

Why choose me?

Hi, my name is Peter Appel. I’m an internationally acclaimed movement teacher and the founder of Movingness. I’ve practiced and taught yoga, movement, dance, and meditation for over 25 years. I’m also a writer and a mental trainer. I look forward to sharing Movingness Somatic Workouts with you!

Warmly welcome, Peter

Peter Appel, founder of Movingness

Love it. Learn it. And teach it!

Do you want to teach this wonderful approach to your students? In addition to the workouts, I’m now offering teacher training in Movingness Somatic Workouts! Below is a summary of the training. Feel free to send an email to [email protected] for more details!

It’s never too early – or too late!

The body is just wonderful! Recent studies have shown that it’s never too late to build strength. It’s never too early, either. You can build strength and improve your physical and mental health at any age. So why not start now? The new 12–week training kicks off in early September 2024 with four weekly live classes. Be among the first to enjoy Movingness Somatic Workouts! Welcome to building outer and inner power together with a lovely community! 

Movingness Somatic Workouts Fall 2024


Workouts only

  • Build strength, improve mobility, and increase elasticity – without stress!
  • 12 classes in Movingness Somatic Workouts
  • The classes are recorded – for you to keep! 
Sign up now!

Somatic workouts + teacher training


$120 + $360 = $480

  • Movingness Somatic Workouts (12 classes)
  • Somatic workout teacher training (12 classes + videos and summaries)
  • The classes are recorded – for you to keep! 
Sign up now!

Somatic workouts + teacher training


4 x $130 = $520

  • Movingness Somatic Workouts (12 classes)
  • Somatic workout teacher training (12 classes + videos and summaries)
  • Pay for the training in four monthly installments. 
Sign up now!